Source code for pySym.pyState.Subscript

import logging
import z3
import ast
from .. import pyState
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int
from ..pyObjectManager.Real import Real
from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec
from ..pyObjectManager.List import List
from ..pyObjectManager.String import String
import itertools
from copy import copy

logger = logging.getLogger("pyState:Subscript")

from .. import Config

def _handleIndex(state,sub_object,sub_slice):

    if type(sub_object) not in [List, String]:
        err = "handleIndex: Don't know how to subscript type {0}".format(type(sub_object))
        raise Exception(err)

    # Resolve the index value
    sub_indexs = state.resolveObject(sub_slice.value)

    # Normalize
    sub_indexs = [sub_indexs] if type(sub_indexs) is not list else sub_indexs

    # Resolve calls if we need to
    retObjs = [x for x in sub_indexs if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    # Loop through all possible indedxes
    ret = []

    for sub_index in sub_indexs:

        # Example: array[1] -- 1 is static, or x = 1; array[x] -- x can only have 1 value
        if sub_index.isStatic():
            index = sub_index.getValue()

        # Truly symbolic index. Example: array[x] where x can be multiple values at that point

            # Because Z3 needs to know var type, we can only offload this onto z3 if all the valid vars inside this list are of the same type!
            varCount = 0
            varAllSameType = False
            oldVarType = None

            # Loop through all values of list, check to see if they could be returned as well as their type
            for i in range(len(sub_object)):
                if sub_index.canBe(i):
                    varCount += 1
                    varType, kwargs = pyState.duplicateSort(sub_object[i])
                    # If we might return different types of objects, we can't use this optimization
                    if oldVarType != None and varType != oldVarType:
                    oldVarType = varType
                # If we get here, we must have all of the same types we can return
                varAllSameType = True

            # If we have nothing valid to return, just move on
            if varCount == 0:

            # We can only use z3 this way if the types are all the same
            if varAllSameType:
                # Create a dummy variable to return
                tmpRetVar = sub_index.state.getVar("tmpSymbolicIndexVar",varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs,ctx=1,softFail=True)
                # Make sure we're not clobbering something

                # Hopefully we never hit this....
                expr = z3.Bool(False)

                # Build the z3 if then else statement in reverse
                for i in range(len(sub_object)):
                    # Can we be this value?
                    if sub_index.canBe(i):
                        # Add it to our z3 expression
                        expr = z3.If(
                                sub_index.getZ3Object() == i,
                                tmpRetVar.getZ3Object() == sub_object[i].getZ3Object(),

                # Add the constraints we just generated

                # Add our var to the return object list

            # If we might return different variable types, we can't use Z3 directly, we need to state split. This sucks :-(

      "Symbolic index into list with possible multi-type returns... Falling back to state splitting :-(")
                logger.debug("Symbolic index into list of size {0}. Global max is {1}".format(len(sub_object),Config.PYSYM_MAX_SYM_LIST_SPLIT))
                # Split off up to our max allowed
                added = 0
                # TODO: This might get TOO big... Large input arrays could crush pySym..
                # Instead of asking for valid values, walk the index of the list and see if our symbolic input can be that
                for i in range(len(sub_object)):
                    # Can this symbolic value be this index?
                    if sub_index.canBe(i):
                        # Add it, increment our count
                        added += 1
                        # Check if we need to be done
                        if added == Config.PYSYM_MAX_SYM_LIST_SPLIT:
                            # Not the end of the world, but likely means that we're missing cases
                            logger.warn("Symbolic index into list of size {0}. Global max split of {1} reached. Coverage likely incomplete. Consider upping Config.PYSYM_MAX_SYM_LIST_SPLIT if you need to.")

            #err = "handle: Don't know how to handle symbolic slice integers at the moment"
            #raise Exception(err)

    return ret

def _handleSlice(state,sub_object,sub_slice):

    if type(sub_object) not in [List, String]:
        err = "handleIndex: Don't know how to subscript type {0}".format(sub_object)
        raise Exception(err)

    # Resolve our variables for this
    lowers = state.resolveObject(sub_slice.lower) if sub_slice.lower is not None else None

    lowers = [lowers] if type(lowers) is not list else lowers

    # Resolve calls if we need to
    retObjs = [x.state for x in lowers if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    uppers = state.resolveObject(sub_slice.upper) if sub_slice.upper is not None else None
    uppers = [uppers] if type(uppers) is not list else uppers

    # Resolve calls if we need to
    retObjs = [x.state for x in uppers if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    steps = state.resolveObject(sub_slice.step) if sub_slice.step is not None else None
    steps = [steps] if type(steps) is not list else steps

    # Resolve calls if we need to
    retObjs = [x.state for x in steps if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    # Loop through all possible combinations
    ret = []

    for upper,lower,step in itertools.product(uppers,lowers,steps):

        # Lower Concrete #
        # NOTE: Assuming these are going to be Int types. Maybe bad assumption?

        if type(lower) not in [int,type(None)]:
            if lower.isStatic():
                lower = lower.getValue()

                # If we're have a negative in our slice
                if lower < 0:
                    lower = len(sub_object) + lower
                err = "_handleSlice: Don't know how to handle symbolic lower slice integers at the moment"
                raise Exception(err)

        # Upper Concrete #
        # NOTE: Assuming these are going to be Int types. Maybe bad assumption?
        if type(upper) not in [int,type(None)]:
            if upper.isStatic():
                upper = upper.getValue()

                # If we're have a negative in our slice
                if upper < 0:
                    upper = len(sub_object) + upper
                err = "_handleSlice: Don't know how to handle symbolic upper slice integers at the moment"
                raise Exception(err)
        # Step Concrete #
        # NOTE: Assuming these are going to be Int types. Maybe bad assumption?
        if type(step) not in [int,type(None)]:
            if step.isStatic():
                step = step.getValue()
                err = "_handleSlice: Don't know how to handle symbolic step slice integers at the moment"
                raise Exception(err)
        step = 1 if step is None else step
        if lower is None:
            if step > 0:
                lower = 0
                lower = -1
        if upper is None:
            if step > 0:
                upper = len(sub_object)
                upper = -len(sub_object) - 1
        if type(sub_object) is List:
            # Get slice
            #newObject = state.recursiveCopy(sub_object[lower:upper:step])

            # The following line fixes a race condition. Wasn't able to track down the root cause of the condition
            # and it stopped occuring, so leaving this in here for now...
            temporary_fix = [x.state for x in sub_object] # So does this.. This is being hit in Return statement, but somehow state is being lost?

            newObject = sub_object[lower:upper:step].copy()
            j = 0
            for i in range(lower,upper,step):
                if type(sub_object[i]) in [Int, Real, BitVec]:
                    #state.addConstraint(newObject[j].getZ3Object() == sub_object[i].getZ3Object())
                    newObject[j] = state.recursiveCopy(sub_object[i])
                j += 1
        elif type(sub_object) is String:
            newObject = sub_object[lower:upper:step].copy()
        # Return new List

    return ret

[docs]def handle(state,element,ctx=None): """Attempt to handle the Python Subscript element Parameters ---------- state : pyState.State pyState.State object to handle this element under element : ast.Subscript element from source to be handled ctx : int , optional Context to resolve this Subscript in (default is current context) Returns ------- list list contains state objects either generated or discovered through handling this ast. This function handles calls to ast.Subscript. It is not meant to be called manually via a user. Example ------- Example of ast.Subscript is: x[5] = 2 """ ctx = state.ctx if ctx is None else ctx assert type(state) == pyState.State assert type(element) == ast.Subscript sub_slice = element.slice sub_value = element.value if type(sub_value) not in [ast.Name,ast.Subscript, ast.Call]: err = "handle: Don't know how to handle value type {0}".format(sub_value) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) sub_objects = state.resolveObject(sub_value,ctx=ctx) # Normalize sub_objects = [sub_objects] if type(sub_objects) is not list else sub_objects # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [x for x in sub_objects if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs # Gather return list for each of the subobjects ret = [] for sub_object in sub_objects: if type(sub_slice) is ast.Index: ret += _handleIndex(state,sub_object,sub_slice) elif type(sub_slice) is ast.Slice: ret += _handleSlice(state,sub_object,sub_slice) else: err = "handle: Don't know how to handle slice type {0}".format(sub_slice) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) return ret