pySym Quick-Start

Running Your First Program

Assuming that you have already installed pySym, actiate your virtual environment and load up a source:

$ workon pySym
(pySym)$ ipython

Automated Loading

Assuming you have a program you want to symbolically execute called, you can do so with the following lines:

In [1]: import pySym

In [2]: proj = pySym.Project("")

In [3]: pg = proj.factory.path_group()

You can now run it by simply executing:

In [4]: pg.explore()

Manually From Strings

You can also load your script directly via python string. The following example loads it from a file:

In [1]: from pySym.pyPath import Path

In [2]: import ast

In [3]: from pySym import Colorer

In [4]: from pySym.pyPathGroup import PathGroup

In [5]: with open("test","r") as f:
   ...:         b = ast.parse(source).body
   ...:         p = Path(b,source=source)
   ...:         pg = PathGroup(p)

You can now run it by simply executing:

In [6]: pg.explore()

See the examples page for example programs.