Source code for pySym.pyState

import z3, z3.z3util as z3util
import ast
import logging
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import random
import os.path
import importlib
from types import ModuleType
import ntpath
import pickle
from ..pyObjectManager import ObjectManager
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int
from ..pyObjectManager.Real import Real
from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec
from ..pyObjectManager.List import List
from ..pyObjectManager.Ctx import Ctx
from ..pyObjectManager.String import String
from ..pyObjectManager.Char import Char
from ..Project import Project

# Override z3 __copy__ so i can just use "copy()"
z3.z3.Solver.__copy__ = lambda self: self.translate(self.ctx)

# The current directory for running pySym
SCRIPTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

logger = logging.getLogger("State")

_temporary_refs = set()

def astCopy(self):
    new = self.__class__()
    newDict = {x: copy(getattr(self,x)) for x in self.__dict__}
    new.__dict__ = newDict
    return new

for t in ['If','While','Compare']:
    getattr(ast,t).__copy__ = astCopy

# Create small class for keeping track of return values
[docs]class ReturnObject: __slots__ = ['retID', 'state'] def __init__(self,retID,state=None): """Initialize a pySym.pyState.ReturnObject instance Parameters ---------- retID : int Identification value for this ReturnObject state : pyState.State, optional State to associate this ReturnObject with Returns ------- pySym.pyState.ReturnObject """ self.retID = retID self.state = state def __deepcopy__(self,_): return ReturnObject(self.retID) def __copy__(self): return ReturnObject(self.retID)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copies ReturnObject into an identical instance Returns ------- pySym.pyState.ReturnObject ReturnObject with the same ID and State as the previous one """ return ReturnObject(self.retID,self.state)
# I feel bad coding this but I can't find a better way atm.
[docs]def replaceObjectWithObject(haystack,fromObj,toObj,parent=None): """Generic search routine to replace an arbitrary object with another Parameters ---------- haystack : any Where to search fromObj : any What to replace toObj : any What to replace with parent : any, optional (depreciated) What the parent object is. This option will be removed. Returns -------- bool True/False if the object was successfully replaced. Find instance of fromObj in haystack and replace with toObj. This is used to ensure we know which function return is ours. Also now matches against lineno, col_offset and type. This will likely fail on polymorphic python code Example ------- Replace the ast.Compare object with a Return object:: In [1]: import ast In [2]: from pySym import pyState In [3]: ret = pySym.pyState.ReturnObject(5) In [4]: s = ast.parse("if 5 > 2:\\n\\tpass").body[0] In [5]: print(s.test) <_ast.Compare object at 0x7f563acb1b70> In [6]: assert pyState.replaceObjectWithObject(s,s.test,ret) In [7]: print(s.test) <pySym.pyState.ReturnObject object at 0x7f563b4c1048> """ parent = haystack if parent is None else parent # If we found the object. if haystack == fromObj: parent[parent.index(fromObj)] = toObj return True # Gets a little tricky here finding our right index.. Lose matching if type(haystack) is type(fromObj) and haystack.lineno == fromObj.lineno and haystack.col_offset == fromObj.col_offset: index = [parent.index(x) for x in parent if type(x) is type(fromObj) and x.lineno is fromObj.lineno and x.col_offset is fromObj.col_offset] # Hopefully we only find one of these... assert len(index) == 1 parent[index[0]] = toObj return True if type(haystack) == list: for x in haystack: if replaceObjectWithObject(x,fromObj,toObj,haystack): return True try: fields = haystack._fields if len(fields) == 0: return False except: return False for field in fields: if (getattr(haystack,field) == fromObj) or (type(getattr(haystack,field)) == type(fromObj) and getattr(haystack,field).lineno == fromObj.lineno and getattr(haystack,field).col_offset == fromObj.col_offset): setattr(haystack,field,toObj) return True if replaceObjectWithObject(getattr(haystack,field),fromObj,toObj,haystack): return True return False
[docs]def duplicateSort(obj): """ Input: obj = z3 object to duplicate kind (i.e.: z3.IntSort()) --or-- pyObjectManager type object (i.e.: Int) Action: Figure out details of the object and make duplicate sort Return: (class, kwargs) Duplicate pyObjectManager class object for this type (i.e.: Int) """ args = {} # Resolve ast number objects to ObjectManager objects if type(obj) is ast.Num: if type(obj.n) is int: return Int, {'value': obj.n} return Real, {'value': obj.n} if type(obj) in [Int, Real, Char]: return type(obj), None if type(obj) is BitVec: return type(obj), {'size': obj.size} if type(obj) is String: # Create a string with the same length return type(obj), {'string': "A"*len(obj) if len(obj) > 0 else None} if type(obj) is List: return type(obj), None if type(obj) in [z3.IntNumRef,z3.RatNumRef,z3.ArithRef, z3.BitVecRef, z3.BitVecNumRef]: kind = obj.sort_kind() else: # Lookup Kind kind = obj.kind() kindTable = { z3.Z3_INT_SORT: Int, z3.Z3_REAL_SORT: Real, #z3.Z3_BOOL_SORT: z3.BoolSort() } if kind in kindTable: if type(obj) is z3.IntNumRef: args = {'value': obj.as_long()} return kindTable[kind], args #elif kind == z3.Z3_ARRAY_SORT: # return z3.ArraySort(obj.domain().kind(),obj.range.kind()) elif kind is z3.Z3_BV_SORT: return BitVec, {'size': obj.size()} else: err = "duplicateSort: unable to determine object sort '{0}'".format(obj) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err)
[docs]def get_all(f,rs=[]): """ >>> x,y = Ints('x y') >>> a,b = Bools('a b') >>> get_all(Implies(And(x+y==0,x*2==10),Or(a,Implies(a,b==False)))) [x, y, a, b] """ if __debug__: assert z3util.is_expr(f), "Unexpected non-expression of type {}".format(type(f)) if z3util.is_const(f): return z3util.vset(rs + [f],str) else: for f_ in f.children(): rs = get_all(f_,rs) return z3util.vset(rs,str)
[docs]def hasRealComponent(expr): """Checks for Real component to a z3 expression Parameters ---------- expr : z3 expression object Returns -------- bool True if it has real componenet, False otherwise Checks if expression contains a real/non-int value or variable. This is genereally used in determining proper variable type to create. Z3 will cast Int to Real if you don't select the right type, which add extra complexity to the solving. Example ------- Confirm that a Z3 expression has a Real component:: In [1]: import z3 In [2]: from pySym import pyState In [3]: r = z3.Real('r') In [4]: i = z3.Int('i') In [5]: pyState.hasRealComponent(r + i == 5) Out[5]: True """ return max([False if type(x) not in [z3.ArithRef, z3.RatNumRef] else x.is_real() for x in get_all(expr)])
[docs]class State: """ Defines the state of execution at any given point. """ __slots__ = [ 'path', 'ctx', 'objectManager', 'solver', '__vars_in_solver', 'functions', 'simFunctions', 'retVar', 'callStack', 'backtrace', 'retID', 'loop', 'maxRetID', 'maxCtx', '__weakref__', '__project', ] def __init__(self,path=None,solver=None,ctx=None,functions=None,simFunctions=None,retVar=None,callStack=None,backtrace=None,retID=None,loop=None,maxRetID=None,maxCtx=None,objectManager=None,vars_in_solver=None,project=None): """ (optional) path = list of sequential actions. Derived by ast.parse. Passed to state. (optional) backtrace = list of asts that happened before the current one (optional) vars_in_solver = dict of list of variable strings that are in the solver. Do not set this manually. (optional) project = pySym project file associated with this group. This will be auto-filled. """ self._project = project self.path = [] if path is None else path self.ctx = 0 if ctx is None else ctx self.objectManager = objectManager if objectManager is not None else ObjectManager(state=self) self.solver = self.__new_solver() if solver is None else solver #self.solver.set("timeout", 60000) # 1 minute (in miliseconds) timeout for the solver self._vars_in_solver = vars_in_solver if vars_in_solver is not None else dict() self.functions = {} if functions is None else functions self.simFunctions = {} if simFunctions is None else simFunctions self.retVar = self.getVar('ret',ctx=1,varType=Int) if retVar is None else retVar self.callStack = [] if callStack is None else callStack self.backtrace = [] if backtrace is None else backtrace # Keep track of what our return ID is self.retID = retID self.loop = loop # Keeps track of what retIDs and Ctxs have been used self.maxRetID = 0 if maxRetID is None else maxRetID self.maxCtx = 1 if maxCtx is None else maxCtx # Initialize our known functions if this is the first time through if backtrace is None: self._init_simFunctions() # Make sure the state sticks around long enough to be used. global _temporary_refs _temporary_refs.add(self) def __new_solver(self): """Generates a new solver.""" return z3.OrElse('smt', z3.Then("simplify","propagate-ineqs","propagate-values","unit-subsume-simplify","smt","fail-if-undecided"),z3.Then("simplify","propagate-ineqs","propagate-values","unit-subsume-simplify","qfnra-nlsat")).solver()
[docs] def setVar(self,varName,var,ctx=None): """ Convinence function that adds current ctx to setVar request """ ctx = self.ctx if ctx is None else ctx return self.objectManager.setVar(varName=varName,ctx=ctx,var=var)
[docs] def getVar(self,varName,ctx=None,varType=None,kwargs=None,softFail=None): """ Convinence function that adds current ctx to getVar request """ ctx = self.ctx if ctx is None else ctx return self.objectManager.getVar(varName,ctx,varType,kwargs,softFail=softFail)
[docs] def recursiveCopy(self,var,ctx=None,varName=None): """ Create a recursive copy of the given ObjectManager variable. This includes creating the relevant z3 constraints (optional) ctx = Context to copy in. Defaults to ctx 1 (RETURN_CONTEXT). (optional) varName = Specify what to name this variable Returns the copy """ if type(var) is ReturnObject: return var assert type(var) in [Int, Real, BitVec, List, String, Char], "Unexpected var type of {}".format(type(var)) assert type(varName) in [type(None), str], "Unexpected varName type of {}".format(type(varName)) ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else 1 varName = "tempRecursiveCopy" if varName is None else varName if type(var) in [Int, Real, BitVec, Char]: t, kwargs = duplicateSort(var) newVar = self.getVar(varName,ctx=ctx,varType=t,kwargs=kwargs) newVar.increment() # Add the constraints to the solver #self.addConstraint(var.getZ3Object() == newVar.getZ3Object()) newVar.setTo(var) return newVar.copy() elif type(var) is List: newList = self.getVar(varName,ctx=ctx,varType=List) newList.increment() newList = newList.copy() # Recursively copy the list for elm in var: ret = self.recursiveCopy(elm,varName=varName) newList.append(ret) return newList elif type(var) is String: newString = self.getVar(varName,ctx=ctx,varType=String) newString.increment() newString = newString.copy() newString.setTo(var,clear=True) return newString # We shouldn't get here assert False
[docs] def lineno(self): """ Returns current line number. If returning from a call, returns the return line number Returns None if the program is done """ # Return current lineno if exists if len(self.path) > 0: return self.path[0].lineno # Check if we're going back to the start of the loop if self.loop: return self.loop.body[0].lineno # Check up the call tree for instruction for cs in self.callStack[::-1]: if len(cs['path']) > 0: return cs['path'][0].lineno # If we're returning to start the loop anew if cs['loop']: return cs['loop'].lineno # Looks like we're done with the program return None
[docs] def step(self): """ Move the current path forward by one step Note, this actually makes a copy/s and returns them. The initial path isn't modified. Returns: A list of paths or empty list if the path is done """ global _temporary_refs # Adding sanity checks since we are not supposed to change during execution h = hash(self) # Optimize logger calls... if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: logger.debug("step:\n\tpath = {0}\n\tcallStack = {1}\n\tctx = {2}\n\tretID = {3}\n\tsolver = {4}\n\tloop = {5}\n".format(self.path,self.callStack,self.ctx,self.retID,self.solver,self.loop)) # More cleanly resolve instructions # TODO: Move this somewhere else... Moving it to the top of State introduced "include hell" :-( instructions = { ast.Assign: Assign, ast.AugAssign: AugAssign, ast.FunctionDef: FunctionDef, ast.Expr: Expr, ast.Pass: Pass, ast.Return: Return, ast.If: If, ast.While: While, ast.Break: Break, ast.For: For, ast.Assert: Assert, } # Return initial return state state = self.copy() # Check if we're out of instructions if len(state.path) == 0: # If we're in a loop, time to re-evaluate it if state.loop: state.path = [copy(state.loop)] # If we're not in a loop, try to pop up one on the stack elif not state.popCallStack(): return [] # Get the current instruction inst = state.path[0] # Check for hooks, give them the first shot at this if self._project is not None and inst.lineno in self._project._hooks: self._project._hooks[inst.lineno](state) # Generically handle any instruction we know about if type(inst) in instructions: ret_states = instructions[type(inst)].handle(state,inst) else: err = "step: Unhandled element of type {0} at Line {1} Col {2}".format(type(inst),inst.lineno,inst.col_offset) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Move instruction to the done pile :-) for state in ret_states: state.backtrace.insert(0,inst) # Assert we haven't changed assert h == hash(self) # TODO: This will likely break if I implement multi-processing... # Clean up any temporary references _temporary_refs = set() # Return the paths return ret_states
[docs] def Return(self,retElement): """ Input: retElement = ast.Return element Action: Set return variable appropriately and remove the rest of the instructions in the queue Returns: Nothing for now """ obj = retElement.value obj = self.resolveObject(obj) # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [x for x in obj if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs logger.debug("Return: Returning element {1} = {0}".format(obj,self.retID)) # Store it off in the objectManager self.objectManager.returnObjects[self.retID] = obj # Remove the remaining instructions in this function self.path = []
[docs] def Call(self,call,func=None,retObj=None,ctx=None): """ Input: call = ast.Call object (optional) func = resolved function for Call (i.e.: state.resolveCall(call)). This is here to remove duplicate calls to resolveCall from resolveObject (optional) ctx = Context to execute under. If left blank, new Context will be created. Action: Modify state in accordance w/ call Returns: ReturnObject the describes this functions return var """ assert type(call) == ast.Call logger.debug("Call: Setting up for Call to {0}".format( if type(call.func) is ast.Name else call.func.attr )) # Resolve the call func = self.resolveCall(call) if func is None else func logger.debug("Call: Resolved Function to {0}".format(func)) # If the body is empty, don't actually call, just return [] if len(func.body) == 0: logger.warn("Just made call to empty function {0}".format(funcName)) return [] if len(func.args.args) - len(func.args.defaults) > len(call.args): err = "call: number of arguments don't match expected, line {0} col {1}".format(call.lineno,call.col_offset) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Grab a new context oldCtx = self.ctx if ctx is None: self.maxCtx += 1 self.ctx = self.maxCtx else: self.ctx = ctx logger.debug("Call: Old CTX = {0} ... New CTX = {1}".format(oldCtx,self.ctx)) ###################### # Populate Variables # ###################### # Create local vars dict if self.ctx not in self.objectManager.variables: self.objectManager.newCtx(self.ctx) # If there are arguments, fill them in for i in range(len(call.args)): caller_arg = self.resolveObject(call.args[i],ctx=oldCtx) caller_arg = [caller_arg] if type(caller_arg) is not list else caller_arg # Resolution should have already happened by pyState.Call.Handle assert len(caller_arg) == 1 caller_arg = caller_arg.pop() varType, kwargs = duplicateSort(caller_arg) # We don't want static variables... kwargs.pop("value",None) if kwargs is not None else None #dest_arg = self.getVar(func.args.args[i].arg,varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs) #parent = self.objectManager.getParent(dest_arg) #index = parent.index(dest_arg) self.objectManager.variables[self.ctx][func.args.args[i].arg] = self.recursiveCopy(caller_arg,varName=func.args.args[i].arg) logger.debug("Call: Setting argument {0} = {1}".format(type(self.objectManager.variables[self.ctx][func.args.args[i].arg]),type(caller_arg))) # Grab any unset vars unsetArgs = func.args.args[len(call.args):] # Handle any keyword vars for i in range(len(call.keywords)): # Make sure this is a valid keyword if call.keywords[i].arg not in [x.arg for x in unsetArgs]: err = "call: Attempting to set invalid keyword '{0}' line {1} col {2}".format(call.keywords[i].arg,call.keywords[i].arg.lineno,call.keywords[i].arg.col_offset) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # NOTE: Assuming only one resolve from this due to handling the resolutions.. caller_arg = self.resolveObject(call.keywords[i].value,ctx=oldCtx) caller_arg = [caller_arg] if type(caller_arg) is not list else caller_arg assert len(caller_arg) == 1 caller_arg = caller_arg.pop() #caller_arg = caller_arg.getZ3Object() if type(caller_arg) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else caller_arg varType, kwargs = duplicateSort(caller_arg) # We don't want static variables... kwargs.pop("value",None) if kwargs is not None else None dest_arg = self.getVar(call.keywords[i].arg,varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs) #self.addConstraint(dest_arg.getZ3Object(increment=True) == caller_arg.getZ3Object()) dest_arg.increment() dest_arg.setTo(caller_arg) # Remove arg after it has been satisfied unsetArgs.remove([x for x in unsetArgs if x.arg == call.keywords[i].arg][0]) logger.debug("Call: Setting keyword argument {0} = {1}".format(type(dest_arg),type(caller_arg))) # Handle any defaults for arg in unsetArgs: argIndex = func.args.args.index(arg) - (len(func.args.args) - len(func.args.defaults)) caller_arg = self.resolveObject(func.args.defaults[argIndex],ctx=oldCtx) caller_arg = [caller_arg] if type(caller_arg) is not list else caller_arg assert len(caller_arg) == 1 caller_arg = caller_arg.pop() #caller_arg = caller_arg.getZ3Object() if type(caller_arg) in [Int, Real, BitVec] else caller_arg varType, kwargs = duplicateSort(caller_arg) # We don't want static variables... kwargs.pop("value",None) if kwargs is not None else None dest_arg = self.getVar(arg.arg,varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs) #self.addConstraint(dest_arg.getZ3Object(increment=True) == caller_arg.getZ3Object()) dest_arg.increment() dest_arg.setTo(caller_arg) logger.debug("Call: Setting default argument {0} = {1}".format(type(dest_arg),type(caller_arg))) #################### # Setup Return Var # #################### # ctx of 1 is our return ctx # self.retVar = self.getZ3Var('ret',increment=True,varType=z3.IntSort(),ctx=1) # Generate random return ID oldRetID = self.retID self.retID = self.maxRetID + 1 # hash(call) # if retID is None else retID self.maxRetID += 1 retObj = retObj if retObj is not None else ReturnObject(self.retID) # This isn't a duplicate call.. It's because I have to handle replacing the call function first using resolveObject.. # TODO: Fire out better way than this. retObj.retID = self.retID retObj.state = self ################# # Clearout Loop # ################# # If we are calling something, save off our loop, but clear it out in current path oldLoop = self.loop self.loop = None ################## # Save CallStack # ################## cs = copy(self.path) if len(cs) > 0: self.pushCallStack(path=cs,ctx=oldCtx,retID=oldRetID,loop=oldLoop) self.path = func.body logger.debug("Call: Saved callstack: {0}".format(self.callStack)) logger.debug("Call: Set new path {0}".format(self.path)) # Return our ReturnObject return retObj
#################### # Call Stack Stuff # ####################
[docs] def pushCallStack(self,path=None,ctx=None,retID=None,loop=None): """ Save the call stack with given variables Defaults to current variables if none given """ self.callStack.append({ 'path': path if path is not None else self.path, 'ctx': ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx, 'retID': retID if retID is not None else self.retID, 'loop': loop if loop is not None else self.loop, })
[docs] def popCallStack(self): """ Input: Nothing Action: Pops from the call stack to the run stack. Adds call to completed state Returns: True if pop succeeded, False if there was nothing left to pop """ # Check if we have somewhere to return to if len(self.callStack) == 0: return False # Pop the callStack back on to the run queue cs = self.callStack.pop() self.path = cs["path"] self.ctx = cs["ctx"] self.retID = cs["retID"] self.loop = cs["loop"] return True
[docs] def copyCallStack(self): """ Make a copy of the call stack, avoiding deepcopy Returns a copy of the current call stack """ # TODO: Maybe make CallStack an Object/Class?? ret = [] # Loop through, copying each call stack for c in self.callStack: ret.append({ 'path': copy(c['path']), 'ctx': c['ctx'], 'retID': c['retID'], 'loop': copy(c['loop']) }) return ret
######################## # End Call Stack Stuff # ######################## def _init_simFunctions(self): """ Input: Nothing Action: Initializes hooked functions (i.e.: pyState/functions/.) Returns: Nothing """ # Base simFunction directory BASE = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR,"functions") # Walk through functions for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(BASE): if "__pycache__" in subdir: continue for f in files: if f in [''] or not f.endswith(('.py','.pyc','.pyo')): continue # TODO: This is messy... modName = "." + os.path.join(subdir,f).replace(BASE,"").replace(f,"").strip("/").replace("/",".") modName = "" if modName is "." else modName modFName = os.path.splitext(f)[0] imp = importlib.import_module(('pySym.pyState.functions' + modName + "." + modFName).replace("..",".")) self.registerFunction(imp,modName,True)
[docs] def registerFunction(self,func,base=None,simFunction=None): """ Input: func = ast func definition (optional) base = base path to import as (i.e.: "telnetlib" if importing "telnetlib.Telnet") (optional) simFunction = Boolean if this should be treated as a simFunction and therefore not handled symbolically. Defaults to False. Action: Register's this function as being known to this state Returns: Nothing """ assert type(func) in [ast.FunctionDef,ModuleType] assert type(base) in [type(None),str] assert type(simFunction) in [type(None),bool] simFunction = False if simFunction is None else simFunction # Resolve the optional base base = "" if base is None else base # Add the end "." if needed base = base + "." if base is not "" and not base.endswith(".") else base # If this is a normal function if not simFunction: assert type(func) is ast.FunctionDef funcName = base + logger.debug("registerFunction: Registering function '{0}'".format(funcName)) self.functions[funcName] = func # This must be a simFunction else: assert type(func) is ModuleType funcName = func.__package__.replace("pySym.pyState.functions","") + "." + os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(func.__file__))[0] funcName = funcName.lstrip(".") logger.debug("registerFunction: Registering simFunction '{0}'".format(funcName)) self.simFunctions[funcName] = func
[docs] def resolveCall(self,call,ctx=None): """ Input: call = ast.Call object (optional) ctx = Context to resolve under Action: Determine correct ast.func object Returns: ast.func block """ ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx # If this is a local context call (i.e.: test()) if type(call.func) == ast.Name: funcName = logger.debug("resolveCall: Resolving call as name: %s", funcName) # If this is an attr form (i.e.: telnetlib.Telnet()) elif type(call.func) == ast.Attribute: logger.debug("resolveCall: Resolving call as attribute call.") try: funcName = self.resolveObject(call.func.value,ctx=ctx) retObjs = [x for x in funcName if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs # NOTE: I'm assuming that if there are state splits, they will all be the same type # for instance, all String, all Char, all List, etc. funcName = funcName[0] funcName = funcName.__class__.__name__ + "." + call.func.attr except Exception as e: # TODO: Check exception type.. Don't just catch everything! funcName = + "." + call.func.attr logger.debug("resolveCall: Resolved call name to '%s'", funcName) else: err = "resolveCall: unknown call-type object '{0}'".format(type(call)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Give sim functions priority if funcName in self.simFunctions: return self.simFunctions[funcName] # If this function is a known local function, return it elif funcName in self.functions: return self.functions[funcName] else: err = "resolveCall: unable to resolve call to '{0}'".format(funcName) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err)
def _resolveString(self,stringObject,ctx=None): """ Input: stringObject = ast.List object (optional) ctx = Context of String to resolve. Default is current context Action: Resolve ast.String object into pyObjectManager.String.String object with Z3 constraints already added Returns: pyObjectManager.String.String object """ assert type(stringObject) is ast.Str ctx = 1 if ctx is None else ctx # Get a temporary variable created newString = self.getVar('tmpResolveString',ctx=ctx,varType=String,kwargs={'string':stringObject.s}) #newString = self.getVar('tmpResolveString',ctx=ctx,varType=String) #newString.increment() #newString.setTo(stringObject.s) return newString.copy() def _resolveList(self,listObject,ctx=None,i=0): """ Input: listObject = ast.List object (optional) ctx = Context of List to resolve. Default is current context Action: Resolve ast.List object into pyObjectManager.List.List object Returns: List of pyObjectManager.List.List object (i.e.: [List1, List2]) """ assert type(listObject) is ast.List ctx = self.ctx if ctx is None else ctx ############################# # Resolve Calls in the list # ############################# # Perform any calls if need be for elm in listObject.elts: if type(elm) is ast.Call: ret = self.resolveObject(elm) ret = ret if type(ret) is list else [ret] # If we're making a call, return for now so we can do that retObjs = [x for x in ret if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs #################################### # Append each element individually # #################################### varList = [] # Create temporary variable if need be var = self.getVar('tempList{0}'.format(i),varType=List,ctx=1) # Make sure we get a fresh list variable var.increment() varList.append(var.copy()) # TODO: This will probably fail on ReturnObjects for elm in listObject.elts: logger.debug("_resolveList: Adding {0} to tempList".format(elm)) if type(elm) is ReturnObject: elm_resolved = self.resolveObject(elm) elm_resolved = [elm_resolved] if type(elm_resolved) is not list else elm_resolved newVarList = [] for elm in elm_resolved: t,args = duplicateSort(elm) # Add this to all possible Lists for var in varList: if len(elm_resolved) > 1: var = self.recursiveCopy(var) var.append(var=t,kwargs=args) if t in [Int, Real, BitVec]: var[-1].setTo(elm) #self.addConstraint(var[-1].getZ3Object() == elm.getZ3Object()) newVarList.append(var.copy()) varList = newVarList elif type(elm) is ast.Num: elm_resolved = self.resolveObject(elm,ctx=ctx) elm_resolved = [elm_resolved] if type(elm_resolved) is not list else elm_resolved newVarList = [] for elm in elm_resolved: t, args = duplicateSort(elm) for var in varList: if len(elm_resolved) > 1: var = self.recursiveCopy(var) var.append(t) var[-1].setTo(elm) #self.addConstraint(var[-1].getZ3Object() == elm.getZ3Object()) newVarList.append(var.copy()) varList = newVarList elif type(elm) is ast.List: # Recursively resolve this ret = self._resolveList(elm,ctx=ctx,i=i+1) ret = ret if type(ret) is list else [ret] # If we're making a call, return for now so we can do that retObjs = [x for x in ret if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs newVarList = [] # For each List returned for elm in ret: # For each List already existing for var in varList: # Only need a copy if we've got more than 1 returning if len(ret) > 1: var = self.recursiveCopy(var) var.append(elm) newVarList.append(var.copy()) varList = newVarList elif type(elm) is ast.Str: elm_resolved = self.resolveObject(elm) for elm in elm_resolved: # Append to every List for var in varList: var.append(elm.copy()) elif type(elm) in [ast.Name, ast.BinOp]: # Resolve the name elm_resolved = self.resolveObject(elm) elm_resolved = elm_resolved if type(elm_resolved) is list else [elm_resolved] retObjs = [x for x in elm_resolved if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs newVarList = [] # Loop through each returned element for elm in elm_resolved: t,args = duplicateSort(elm) # Each List variable needs to get new objects for var in varList: # Optimization. If we only have one element, we don't need multiple copies if len(elm_resolved) > 1: # Create a copy var = self.recursiveCopy(var) # Add constraints var.append(var=t,kwargs=args) var[-1].setTo(elm) #if pyState.z3Helpers.isZ3Object(elm): # self.addConstraint(var[-1].getZ3Object() == elm) #elif type(elm) in [Int, Real, BitVec]: # self.addConstraint(var[-1].getZ3Object() == elm.getZ3Object()) # Add to the new var List newVarList.append(var.copy()) # Set the var list varList = newVarList elif type(elm) is ast.Call: # Resolve the call elm_resolved = self.resolveObject(elm) elm_resolved = elm_resolved if type(elm_resolved) is list else [elm_resolved] # If we're waiting on a symbolic call, return #retObjs = [x for x in elm_resolved if type(x) is pySym.pyState.ReturnObject] retObjs = [x for x in elm_resolved if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs newVarList = [] # Loop through each return element for elm in elm_resolved: # Make sure each List gets updated for var in varList: if len(elm_resolved) > 1: var = self.recursiveCopy(var) # Append it to the list var.append(elm) newVarList.append(var.copy()) # Update the var list varList = newVarList else: err = "_resolveList: Don't know how to handle type {0} at line {1} col {2}".format(type(elm),listObject.lineno,listObject.col_offset) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Return the resolved List return varList
[docs] def resolveObject(self,obj,parent=None,ctx=None,varType=None,kwargs=None): """ Input: obj = Some ast object (i.e.: ast.Name, ast.Num, etc) special object "PYSYM_TYPE_RETVAL" (int) will resolve the last return value (optional) parent = parent node of obj. This is needed for resolving calls (optional) ctx = Context other than current to resolve in (optional) varType = Type of the var to resolve. Needed if resolving a var that doesn't exist yet (optional) kwargs = kwargs for the var, needed if resolving a var that doesn't exist yet Action: Resolve object into something that can be used in a constraint Return: Resolved object ast.Num == int (i.e.: 6) ast.Name == pyObjectManager object (Int, Real, BitVec, etc) ast.BinOp == z3 expression of BinOp (i.e.: x + y) """ ctx = self.ctx if ctx is None else ctx t = type(obj) # If the object is already resolved, just return it if t in [Int, Real, BitVec, List, Ctx, String, Char]: return [obj] if t == ast.Name: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type var named {0}".format( # Try resolving a variable that's already defined in the current ctx var = self.getVar(,ctx=ctx,varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs,softFail=True) # If we resolved it return it if var is not None: return [var] # If we failed to resolve this variable, python will look upwards in the call tree for call in self.callStack[::-1]: var = self.getVar(,ctx=call['ctx'],varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs,softFail=True) # Did we find it in this context? if var is not None: # We need to clone it so we don't mess with the original t, kwargs = duplicateSort(var) cloned_var = self.getVar("varInParentCtx", ctx=ctx, varType=t, kwargs=kwargs) cloned_var.increment() cloned_var.setTo(var,clear=True) return [cloned_var] else: err = "resolveObject: Could not resolve object named {}".format( logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) #return [self.getVar(,ctx=ctx,varType=varType,kwargs=kwargs)] elif t == ast.Num: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type Num: {0}".format(obj.n)) # Resolve this to an objectManager class t,args = duplicateSort(obj) return [t('tmp',ctx=ctx,state=self,**args if args is not None else {})] # Return real val or int val #return z3.RealVal(obj.n) if type(obj.n) == float else z3.IntVal(obj.n) elif t == ast.List: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type list: {0}".format(obj)) return self._resolveList(obj,ctx=ctx) elif t == ast.Str: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type str: {0}".format(obj.s)) #return self.getVar('tmp',ctx=1,varType=String,kwargs={'string':obj.s}) return [self._resolveString(obj,ctx=ctx)] elif t == ast.BinOp: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type BinOp") return BinOp.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) elif t == ast.Subscript: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving object type Subscript") return Subscript.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) elif t == ReturnObject: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving return type object with ID: ret{0}".format(obj.retID)) # Sometimes we run into a situation where we need to return the retID... # TODO: This is weird and seems like a hack... if obj.retID not in self.objectManager.returnObjects: return [obj] rets = self.objectManager.returnObjects[obj.retID] # make sure the state is sync'd for ret in rets: ret.state = self return rets elif t == ast.ListComp: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving ListComprehension") return ListComp.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) elif t == ast.GeneratorExp: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving GeneratorExpression") return GeneratorExp.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) elif t == ast.Compare: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving Compare") return pyState.Compare.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) # Hack-ish solution to handle calls elif t == ast.Call: logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving Call") # Let's see if this is a real or sim call func = self.resolveCall(obj,ctx=ctx) # I think this will only hapen if we're resolving a call in a call if type(func) is list: return func # If this is a simFunction if type(func) is ModuleType: # Simple pass it off to the handler, filling in args as appropriate return func.handle(self, obj, *obj.args,ctx=ctx) # If we get here, we're a normal symbolic function else: # Change our state, record the return object o = Call.handle(self,obj) return o elif t == ast.UnaryOp: # TODO: Not sure if there will be symbolic UnaryOp objects... This wouldn't work for those. logger.debug("resolveObject: Resolving UnaryOp type object") #return ast.literal_eval(obj) return UnaryOp.handle(self,obj,ctx=ctx) else: err = "resolveObject: unable to resolve object '{0}' of type {1} in CTX {2}".format(obj,type(obj),ctx) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err)
[docs] def popConstraint(self): """ Pop last added constraint This doesn't seem to work... """ self.solver.pop()
[docs] def remove_constraints(self, constraints): """Removes the given z3 constraints. Args: constraints (list): List of z3 constraints to remove from the solver. Returns: int: Returns how many constraints were actually removed. """ # Make it a list if need be if type(constraints) not in [list, tuple]: constraints = [constraints] new_constraints = [assertion for assertion in self.solver.assertions() if assertion not in constraints] # If we have less, then we successfully removed at least one thing ret_code = len(self.solver.assertions()) - len(new_constraints) # Removing is costly. Don't rebuild solver if we don't have to. if ret_code == 0: return 0 self.solver = self.__new_solver() self.addConstraint(*new_constraints) # Remove the vars from our set tracker for constraint in constraints: if type(constraint) is bool: continue for var in set(get_all(constraint)): if type(var) not in [z3.z3.IntNumRef, z3.z3.BitVecNumRef]: var = str(var) if var in self._vars_in_solver: try: self._vars_in_solver[var].remove(str(constraint)) if self._vars_in_solver[var] == set(): self._vars_in_solver.pop(var) except KeyError: # Ignoring attempt to remove constraint that isn't tracked. pass return ret_code
[docs] def addConstraint(self,*constraints): """ Input: constraints = Any number of z3 expressions to use as a constraint Action: Add constraint given Returns: Nothing """ # Sanity checks for constraint in constraints: assert "z3." in str(type(constraint)) or type(constraint) is bool # No point in adding tautologies constraints = [constraint for constraint in constraints if type(constraint) is not bool or (type(constraint) is bool and constraint == False)] # If we're only adding True statements, ignore if constraints == []: return constraints # Add our new constraint to the solver self.solver.add(*constraints) # Record that they are now in the solver somewhere for constraint in constraints: if type(constraint) is bool: continue for var in set(get_all(constraint)): # Don't keep track of plain numbers. Only vars if type(var) not in [z3.z3.IntNumRef, z3.z3.BitVecNumRef]: var = str(var) # Init the dict if need be if var not in self._vars_in_solver: self._vars_in_solver[var] = set() self._vars_in_solver[var].add(str(constraint))
[docs] def isSat(self,extra_constraints=None): """ Input: extra_constraints: Optional list of extra constraints to temporarily add before checking for sat. Action: Checks if the current state is satisfiable Note, it uses the local and global vars to create the solver on the fly Returns: Boolean True or False """ solver = self.solver if extra_constraints == None: return solver.check() == z3.sat if type(extra_constraints) not in [list, tuple]: extra_constraints = [extra_constraints] # # Deal with extra constraints # # Determine if we can push and pop try: solver.push() pushed = True except: pushed = False # Prefer push/pop if pushed: # Add in the constraints solver.add(*extra_constraints) ret = solver.check() == z3.sat # Pop off the constraints solver.pop() return ret # Use translate method else: solver = solver.translate(solver.ctx) solver.add(*extra_constraints) return solver.check() == z3.sat
[docs] def printVars(self): """ Input: Nothing Action: Resolves current constraints and prints viable variables Returns: Nothing """ # Populate model if not self.isSat(): print("State does not seem possible.") return # Set model m = self.solver.model() # Loop through model, printing out vars for var in m: print("{0} == {1}".format(,m[var]))
[docs] def any_list(self,var,ctx=None): """ Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve possible value for this variable (list) Return: Discovered variable or None if none found """ # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx # Solve model first if not self.isSat(): logger.debug("any_list: No valid model found") # No valid ints return None if type(var) is not List: # Make sure the variable exists try: self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) except: logger.debug("any_list: var '{0}' not found".format(var.varName)) return None listObject = self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) else: listObject = var if type(listObject) is not List: logger.warning("any_list: var '{0}' not of type List".format(var)) return None out = [] for elm in listObject: if type(elm) in [Int,BitVec]: out.append(self.any_int(elm,ctx=ctx)) elif type(elm) is Real: out.append(self.any_real(elm,ctx=ctx)) elif type(elm) is List: out.append(self.any_list(elm,ctx=ctx)) elif type(elm) is Char: out.append(self.any_char(elm,ctx=ctx)) elif type(elm) is String: out.append(self.any_str(elm,ctx=ctx)) else: err = "any_list: unable to resolve object '{0}'".format(elm) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) return out
[docs] def any_n_int(self,var,n,ctx=None): """ Input: var = variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: Int) n = number of viable solutions to find (i.e.: 5) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve n possible values for this variable Return: Discovered n values or [] if none found """ # TODO: Optimize this... When slicing lists and needing, say, 256 values, this gets VERY slow... Silly.. # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx assert type(n) is int """ # Doing this on a copy of the state since we're modifying it s = self.copy() #s = self varZ3Object = s.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() out = [] for i in range(n): print("assertions",s.solver.assertions()) #if len(s.solver.assertions()) == 2 and str(s.solver.assertions()[1]) == '010pyStateStringTemp[0]@1 != 1': # assert False try: myInt = s.any_int(var,ctx=ctx) except: #Looks like we're done break if myInt == None: break out.append(myInt) s.addConstraint(varZ3Object != myInt) #solver.add(varZ3Object != myInt) print("Returning",out) return out """ try: solver = self.solver solver.push() pushed = True except: pushed = False s = self varZ3Object = s.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() out = [] # # Push method preferred # if pushed: logger.debug("any_n_int: Using push/pop method.") for i in range(n): try: myInt = s.any_int(var,ctx=ctx) except: #Looks like we're done break if myInt == None: break out.append(myInt) solver.add(varZ3Object != myInt) solver.pop() # # Fall back to other method TODO: Update this to use translate instead. # else: logger.debug("any_n_int: Using legacy method.") extra_constraints = [] for i in range(n): try: myInt = s.any_int(var,ctx=ctx,extra_constraints=extra_constraints) except: #Looks like we're done break if myInt == None: break out.append(myInt) extra_constraints.append(varZ3Object != myInt) return out
[docs] def any_n_real(self,var,n,ctx=None): """ Input: var = variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: Int) n = number of viable solutions to find (i.e.: 5) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve n possible values for this variable Return: Discovered possible values or [] if none found """ # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx assert type(n) is int # Doing this on a copy of the state since we're modifying it s = self.copy() varZ3Object = s.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() out = [] for i in range(n): try: myInt = s.any_real(var,ctx=ctx) except: #Looks like we're done break if myInt == None: break out.append(myInt) s.addConstraint(varZ3Object != s.solver.model().eval(varZ3Object)) return out
""" def any_n_str(self,var,n,ctx=None): Input: var = variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: String) n = number of viable solutions to find (i.e.: 5) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve n possible values for this variable Return: Discovered possible values or [] if none found # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx assert type(n) is int # Doing this on a copy of the state since we're modifying it s = self.copy() varZ3Object = s.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() out = [] for i in range(n): try: myInt = s.any_real(var,ctx=ctx) except: #Looks like we're done break if myInt == None: break out.append(myInt) s.addConstraint(varZ3Object != myInt) return out """
[docs] def any_char(self,var,ctx=None): """ Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: Char) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve a possible value for this variable Return: Discovered variable or None if none found """ assert type(var) in [str, Char] # Check if we have it in our variable if type(var) is str and self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) == None: logger.debug("any_char: var '{0}' not in known variables".format(var)) return None # Resolve the variable var = self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) if type(var) is str else var # Solve model first if not self.isSat(): logger.debug("any_char: No valid model found") return None # Get model m = self.solver.model() # Return a possible string #return chr(m.eval(var.getZ3Object(),model_completion=True).as_long()) return chr(int(var))
[docs] def any_str(self,var,ctx=None): """ Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: String) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve a possible value for this variable Return: Discovered variable or None if none found """ assert type(var) in [str, String] # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx # Solve model first if not self.isSat(): logger.debug("any_str: No valid model found") return None # Get model m = self.solver.model() # Check if we have it in our variable if type(var) is str and self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) == None: logger.debug("any_str: var '{0}' not in known variables".format(var)) return None # Resolve the variable var = self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) if type(var) is str else var # Return a possible string return ''.join([chr(m.eval(c.getZ3Object(),model_completion=True).as_long()) for c in var])
[docs] def any_int(self,var,ctx=None, extra_constraints=None): """ Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager object (i.e.: Int) (optional) ctx = context if not current one (optional) extra_constraints = tuple of extra constraints to temporarily place on the solve. Action: Resolve possible value for this variable Return: Discovered variable or None if none found """ # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx # Solve model first if not self.isSat(): logger.debug("any_int: No valid model found") # No valid ints return None # If we're adding temporary constraints, create a temporary solver if extra_constraints is not None: # Normalize it to a tuple if need be if type(extra_constraints) not in [tuple, list]: extra_constraints = (extra_constraints,) # Try push/pop first try: solver = self.solver solver.push() pushed = True # Fall back to translate except: solver = self.solver.translate(self.solver.ctx) pushed = False solver.add(*extra_constraints) # Make sure this new situation is possible if solver.check() != z3.sat: if pushed: solver.pop() return None m = solver.model() if pushed: solver.pop() else: m = self.solver.model() # Check if we have it in our localVars if type(var) is str and self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) == None: logger.debug("any_int: var '{0}' not in known variables".format(var)) return None var = self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() # Try getting the value value = m.eval(var,model_completion=True) # Check if we have a known solution # Assuming local for now if type(value) == z3.ArithRef: logger.debug("any_int: var '{0}' not found in solution".format(var)) # No known solution return None # Check the type of the value if type(value) not in [z3.IntNumRef,z3.BitVecNumRef]: err = "any_int: var '{0}' not of type int, of type '{1}'".format(var,type(value)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Made it! Return it as an int return int(value.as_string(),10)
""" def any_num(self,var): Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" Action: Resolve possible value for this variable Return: Discovered variable or None if none found This will attempt to discover the correct type of variable (int/real) and return that type. # TODO: Do better than this... Check stuff first. Try/Catch isn't a great practice ret = None try: ret = self.any_int(var) except: pass if ret != None: return ret # Intentionally not catching exceptions here return self.any_real(var) """
[docs] def any_real(self,var,ctx=None): """ Input: var == variable name. i.e.: "x" --or-- ObjectManager Object (i.e.: Int) (optional) ctx = context if not current one Action: Resolve possible value for this variable Return: Discovered variable or None if none found Note: this function will cast an Int to a Real implicitly if found """ # Grab appropriate ctx ctx = ctx if ctx is not None else self.ctx # Solve model first if not self.isSat(): logger.debug("any_real: No valid model found") # No valid ints return None # Get model m = self.solver.model() if type(var) is str: try: self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx) except: logger.debug("any_real: var '{0}' not found".format(var)) return None var = self.getVar(var,ctx=ctx).getZ3Object() if type(var) is str else var.getZ3Object() # Try getting the value value = m.eval(var,model_completion=True) # Check if we have a known solution # Assuming local for now if type(value) == z3.ArithRef: logger.debug("any_real: var '{0}' not found in solution".format(var)) # No known solution return None # Check the type of the value if type(value) not in [z3.IntNumRef,z3.RatNumRef,z3.AlgebraicNumRef]: err = "any_real: var '{0}' not of type int or real, of type '{1}'".format(var,type(value)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) if type(value) is z3.AlgebraicNumRef: # Defaulting to precision of 10 for now return float(value.as_decimal(10).replace('?','')) # Made it! Return it as a real/float return float(eval(value.as_string()))
[docs] def var_in_solver(self, var, ignore=None): """Checks if the variable given is in the z3 solver.""" assert z3Helpers.isZ3Object(var), "Expected var to be z3 object, got type {} instead".format(type(var)) var = str(var) # No constraints for this var if var not in self._vars_in_solver or self._vars_in_solver[var] is set(): return False # If we're ignoring, do the filter if ignore is not None: # Standardize ignore if type(ignore) not in [list, tuple]: ignore = [ignore] ignore = [str(i) for i in ignore] constraints = set([constraint for constraint in self._vars_in_solver[var] if constraint not in ignore]) else: constraints = self._vars_in_solver[var] return constraints != set()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the current state """ # Copy the solver state #solverCopy = z3.Solver() #solverCopy = z3.OrElse(z3.Then("simplify","solve-eqs","smt","fail-if-undecided"),z3.Then("simplify","solve-eqs","nlsat")).solver() #solverCopy = z3.OrElse(z3.Then("simplify","propagate-ineqs","propagate-values","unit-subsume-simplify","smt","fail-if-undecided"),z3.Then("simplify","propagate-ineqs","propagate-values","unit-subsume-simplify","nlsat"),ctx=z3.Context()).solver() #solverCopy.add(self.solver.assertions()) #solverCopy = self.solver.translate(self.solver.ctx) newState = State( #solver=solverCopy, solver=copy(self.solver), ctx=self.ctx, functions=self.functions, simFunctions=self.simFunctions, retVar=self.retVar, callStack=self.copyCallStack(), path=[copy(x) for x in self.path], backtrace=copy(self.backtrace), retID=copy(self.retID), loop=copy(self.loop), maxRetID=self.maxRetID, maxCtx=self.maxCtx, objectManager=self.objectManager.copy(), #vars_in_solver=deepcopy(self._vars_in_solver), vars_in_solver={key:copy(self._vars_in_solver[key]) for key in self._vars_in_solver.keys()}, project=self._project ) # Make sure to give the objectManager the new state newState.objectManager.state = newState return newState
def __copy__(self): return self.copy() ############## # Properties # ############## @property def _vars_in_solver(self): """dict: Dict of sets of string representations of all the vars in the solver.""" return self.__vars_in_solver @_vars_in_solver.setter def _vars_in_solver(self, vars): assert issubclass(type(vars), dict), "Unhandled _vars_in_solver type of {}".format(type(vars)) self.__vars_in_solver = vars @property def _project(self): """pySym Project that this is associated with.""" return self.__project @_project.setter def _project(self, project): assert isinstance(project, (Project, type(None))), "Invalid type for Project of {}".format(type(project)) self.__project = project
from . import BinOp, Pass, While, Break, Subscript, For, ListComp, UnaryOp, GeneratorExp, Assign, AugAssign, FunctionDef, Expr, Return, If, Assert from . import z3Helpers