Source code for pySym.pyState.ListComp

import logging
import z3
import ast
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int
from ..pyObjectManager.Real import Real
from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec
from ..pyObjectManager.List import List
from .. import pyState

logger = logging.getLogger("pyState:ListComp")

#import astunparse

def _findAllInputVariables(haystack):
    Find all input variables (ast.Name objects). Return as a list
    ret = []

    if type(haystack) is ast.ListComp:
        for generator in haystack.generators:
            ret += _findAllInputVariables(generator)
        return ret

    if type(haystack) is ast.Name:
        return [haystack]

    if type(haystack) is ast.comprehension:
        return _findAllInputVariables(haystack.iter)

    if type(haystack) is ast.Call:
        if haystack.args is not None:
            for arg in haystack.args:
                ret += _findAllInputVariables(arg)
        if hasattr(haystack,"kwargs") and haystack.kwargs is not None:
            for arg in haystack.kwargs:
                ret += _findAllInputVariables(arg)
        if type(haystack.func) is not ast.Name:
            ret += _findAllInputVariables(haystack.func)
        return ret
    if type(haystack) is ast.Attribute:
        return [] + _findAllInputVariables(haystack.value)

    if type(haystack) is ast.Subscript:
        return [] + _findAllInputVariables(haystack.value)

    return []

def _findAllGeneratedVariables(haystack):
    Find all generated variables (ast.Name objects). Return as a list
    ret = []

    if type(haystack) is ast.ListComp:
        ret += _findAllGeneratedVariables(haystack.elt)
        for generator in haystack.generators:
            ret += _findAllGeneratedVariables(generator)
        return ret

    if type(haystack) is ast.Name:
        return [haystack]

    if type(haystack) is ast.comprehension:
        return _findAllGeneratedVariables(

    return []

[docs]def handle(state,element,ctx=None): """Attempt to handle the Python ListComp element Parameters ---------- state : pyState.State pyState.State object to handle this element under element : ast.ListComp element from source to be handled Returns ------- list list contains state objects either generated or discovered through handling this ast. This function handles calls to ast.ListComp. It is not meant to be called manually via a user. Under the hood, it re-writes the ast into an equivalent functional form, then calls that function symbolically. Example ------- Example of ast.ListComp is: [x for x in range(10)] """ assert type(element) is ast.ListComp ctx = state.ctx if ctx is None else ctx col_offset = element.col_offset lineno = element.lineno # Create the function to be called fun = ast.parse("def tempFunction():\n\tpySymTempList = []").body[0] # Pointer to deepest statement last = fun # These are the "for" commands for generator in element.generators: if type( is not ast.Name: err = "handle: Don't know how to handle object '{0}'".format(type( logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Generate the ast structure f = ast.parse("for x in y:\n\tpass").body[0] # Populate it with the generator information = f.iter = generator.iter # Add this for loop to our nest last.body.append(f) # Our new for loop is the deepest last = f # TODO: Add ifs here for ifStmnt in generator.ifs: tmpIf = ast.parse("if x > y:\n\tpass").body[0] tmpIf.test = ifStmnt last.body.append(tmpIf) # This if is now the deepend last = tmpIf # Generate our list at the deepest level a = ast.parse("pySymTempList.append({0})".format([0] a.value.args = [element.elt] last.body.append(a) # Need to return the var fun.body.append(ast.parse("return pySymTempList").body[0]) # Change this list comprehention into a ReturnObject retObj = pyState.ReturnObject(1) # Replace list comprehension with our ReturnObject pyState.replaceObjectWithObject(state.path[0],element,retObj) # Determine variables we need to pass in allInputVars = set([ for x in _findAllInputVariables(element)]) allGeneratedVars = set([ for x in _findAllGeneratedVariables(element)]) # Make sure the inputs aren't generated #print([ for x in allGeneratedVars],[ for x in allGeneratedVars]) allInputVars = allInputVars.difference(allGeneratedVars) # Add these args into the function def for inputVar in allInputVars: fun.args.args.append(ast.arg(inputVar,0)) #print(astunparse.unparse(fun)) # Call our new function. state.Call(ast.parse("blergy({0})".format(','.join([x for x in allInputVars]))).body[0].value,func=fun,retObj=retObj) return [retObj]