Source code for pySym.pyState.If

import logging
import z3
import ast
from . import Compare, BoolOp, ReturnObject
from copy import copy

logger = logging.getLogger("pyState:If")

def _handleConstraints(stateIf,stateElse,trueConstraint,element):
    # Add the constraints we just got
    # Optimization to not add extra constraints
    if type(trueConstraint) is not bool or trueConstraint != True:
    if type(trueConstraint) is not bool or trueConstraint == True:

    ret_states = [stateIf,stateElse]

    # Check if statement. We'll have at least one instruction here, so treat this as a call
    # Saving off the current path so we can return to it and pick up at the next instruction
    cs = copy(stateIf.path)
    # Only push our stack if it's not empty
    if len(cs) == 0:

    # Our new path becomes the inside of the if statement
    stateIf.path = element.body
    # Once inside the If, we're no longer in a "loop" for this call
    stateIf.loop = None

    # Update the else's path
    # Check if there is an else path we need to take
    if len(element.orelse) > 0:
        cs = copy(stateElse.path)
        if len(cs) > 0:

        stateElse.path = element.orelse
        stateElse.loop = None

    return ret_states

[docs]def handle(state,element): """Attempt to handle the Python If element Parameters ---------- state : pyState.State pyState.State object to handle this element under element : ast.If element from source to be handled Returns ------- list list contains state objects either generated or discovered through handling this ast. This function handles calls to ast.If. It is not meant to be called manually via a user. Under the hood, it resolves the conitional arguments, splits it's state, and takes both possibilities as the same time. Example ------- Example of ast.If is: if x > 5: """ # On If statements we want to take both options # path == we take the if statement stateIf = state # Check what type of test this is if type(element.test) == ast.Compare: trueConstraint = Compare.handle(state,element.test) elif type(element.test) == ast.BoolOp: trueConstraint = BoolOp.handle(state, element.test) elif type(element.test) == ast.Call: trueConstraint = state.resolveObject(element.test) elif type(element.test) == ast.Subscript: #trueConstraint = state.resolveObject(element.test) objs = state.resolveObject(element.test) # Check for return object. Return all applicable retObjs = [x.state for x in objs if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs trueConstraint = [] # Usually will only be one, but you never know for obj in objs: # If it's an int of some sort if type(obj) in [Int, BitVec]: # Python defines 0 as being False for an int, everything else is True # If it's static, determine directly if we're true or not if obj.isStatic(): trueConstraint.append(obj.getValue() != 0) else: trueConstraint.append(obj.getZ3Object() != 0) else: error = "Unhandled If Subscript object type of {}".format(type(obj)) logger.error(error) raise Exception(error) #elif type(element.test) == ast.UnaryOp: # trueConstraint = pyState.UnaryOp.handle(state, element.test) # # This returns pyObjectManager objects, need to resolve the # trueConstraint = [[x for x in constraint.state.assertions()][-1] for constraint in trueConstraint] else: err = "handle: I don't know how to handle type {0}".format(type(element.test)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Normalize trueConstraint = trueConstraint if type(trueConstraint) is list else [trueConstraint] # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [x.state for x in trueConstraint if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs # Important to copy after Constraint generation since it may have added to the state! stateElse = state.copy() # Not waiting on anything, move forward stateIf.path.pop(0) stateElse.path.pop(0) ret = [] for tc in trueConstraint: logger.debug("handling trueConstraint {0}".format(tc)) ret += _handleConstraints(stateIf.copy(),stateElse.copy(),tc,element) return ret
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec