Source code for pySym.pyState.BinOp

import logging
import z3
import ast
from .. import pyState
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int
from ..pyObjectManager.Real import Real
from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec
from ..pyObjectManager.String import String
from ..pyObjectManager.List import List
from . import z3Helpers

logger = logging.getLogger("pyState:BinOp")

def _handleNum(state,left,right,op):
    # Match our object types
    leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object = z3Helpers.z3_matchLeftAndRight(left,right,op)

    # Figure out what the op is and add constraint
    if type(op) == ast.Add:
        if type(left) is BitVec:
            # Check for over and underflows

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() + right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object + rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.Sub:
        if type(left) is BitVec:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() - right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object - rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.Mult:
        if type(left) is BitVec:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() * right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object * rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.Div:
        if type(left) is BitVec:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() / right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object / rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.Mod:
        # Z3 doesn't have native support for Real type modular arithmetic
        if z3.is_real(leftZ3Object):
            constraint = []
            if z3.is_real(rightZ3Object):
                mod = z3.Function('mod', z3.RealSort(),z3.RealSort(), z3.RealSort())
                quot = z3.Function('quot', z3.RealSort(),z3.RealSort(), z3.RealSort())
                constraint += [z3Helpers.isInt(rightZ3Object)]
                mod = z3.Function('mod', z3.RealSort(),z3.IntSort(), z3.RealSort())
                quot = z3.Function('quot', z3.RealSort(),z3.IntSort(), z3.RealSort())
            constraint.append(0 <= mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object))
            constraint.append(mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) < rightZ3Object)
            constraint.append(rightZ3Object * quot(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) + mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) == leftZ3Object)
            constraint.append(leftZ3Object >= 0)
            state.addConstraint(0 <= mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object))
            state.addConstraint(mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) < rightZ3Object)
            state.addConstraint(rightZ3Object * quot(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) + mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object) == leftZ3Object)
            state.addConstraint(leftZ3Object >= 0)
            ret = mod(leftZ3Object,rightZ3Object)


            # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
            if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
                ret = left.getValue() % right.getValue()

                ret = leftZ3Object % rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.BitXor:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() ^ right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object ^ rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.BitOr:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() | right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object | rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.BitAnd:
        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() & right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object & rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.LShift:
        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() << right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object << rightZ3Object

    elif type(op) == ast.RShift:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() >> right.getValue()

            ret = leftZ3Object >> rightZ3Object

    # TODO: This one will fail if we use BitVecs.. Maybe think about check/convert?
    elif type(op) == ast.Pow:

        # Keep this out of the Z3 solver!
        if left.isStatic() and right.isStatic():
            ret = left.getValue() ** right.getValue()

        # Z3 has some problems with forms of x ** 0.5, let's try to change it for Z3...
        elif type(rightZ3Object) is z3.RatNumRef and rightZ3Object.numerator().as_long() == 1 and rightZ3Object.denominator().as_long() > 1:
            tmp = state.getVar("tempRootVar",ctx=1,varType=Real)
            # Rewrite as x ** 2 == y form
            state.addConstraint(tmp.getZ3Object() ** float(rightZ3Object.denominator().as_long()) == leftZ3Object)
            # Because we're dealing with square, let's make sure it's positive
            state.addConstraint(tmp.getZ3Object() >= 0)
            ret = tmp.getZ3Object()

            ret = leftZ3Object ** rightZ3Object
            #ret = leftZ3Object ** rightZ3Object

        err = "BinOP: Don't know how to handle op type {0} at line {1} col {2}".format(type(op),op.lineno,op.col_offset)
        raise Exception(err)

    # TODO: Clean up code below...
    # Duplicate the object and create a pyObjectManager object
    left_t,left_args = pyState.duplicateSort(leftZ3Object)
    right_t,right_args = pyState.duplicateSort(rightZ3Object)
    if left_t in [Int,Real,BitVec] and right_t in [Int, Real, BitVec]:
        # Not handling this case well right now
        if left_t is Real or right_t is Real:
            args = left_args if left_t is Real else right_args
            # We want variables, not constants
            args.pop("value",None) if args is not None else None
            retVar = state.getVar(varName='BinOpTemp',varType=Real,kwargs = args)

            left_args.pop("value",None) if left_args is not None else None
            retVar = state.getVar(varName='BinOpTemp',varType=left_t,kwargs = left_args)


        # Now that we have a clean variable to return, add constraints and return it
        logger.debug("Adding constraint {0} == {1}".format(retVar.getZ3Object(),ret))

        # If it turns out we're dealing with constants, just set it directly.
        if type(ret) in [int,float]:
            state.addConstraint(retVar.getZ3Object() == ret)

        #print([x for x in state.solver.assertions()])
        return [retVar.copy()]

        err = "BinOP: Don't know how to handle variable type {0} at line {1} col {2}".format(t,op.lineno,op.col_offset)
        raise Exception(err)

def _handleStr(state,left,right,op):
    Handle BinOp for string types
    assert type(left) in [String, Int, BitVec]
    assert type(right) in [String, Int, BitVec]
    # Because strings are just class abstractions, we can do this without touching Z3
    s = state.getVar("tempBinOpString",ctx=1,varType=String)

    ret = []

    # Case: "A" + "B"
    if (type(left) is String and type(right) is String) and type(op) is ast.Add:
        s.variables = left.copy().variables + right.copy().variables

    elif ((set([type(left),type(right)]) == set([String,Int])) or (set([type(left),type(right)]) == set([String,BitVec]))) and type(op) is ast.Mult:
        i = left if type(left) in [Int, BitVec] else right
        oldStr = left if type(left) is String else right
        if not i.isStatic():
            err = "_handleStr: Don't know how to handle symbolic mult at the moment"
            raise Exception(err)

        # Solidify it
        i = i.getValue()
        # Add the variables
        s.variables = oldStr.copy().variables * i
        # Add it to our return list

        err = "_handleStr: Don't know how to handle {0} {1} {2}".format(type(left),op,type(right))
        raise Exception(err)

    return ret

def _handleList(state,left,right,op):
    Handle BinOp for List types
    assert type(left) in [List, Int, BitVec]
    assert type(right) in [List, Int, BitVec]
    # Because Lists are just class abstractions, we can do this without touching Z3
    s = state.getVar("tempBinOpList",ctx=1,varType=List)

    if type(op) is ast.Add:
        # It's only valid to add two lists together, not list and int
        s.variables = left.copy().variables + right.copy().variables

    elif type(op) is ast.Mult:
        # It's only valid to multiply a list and a number
        assert (type(left) is List and type(right) in [Int, BitVec]) or (type(right) is List and type(left) in [Int, BitVec])

        oldList = left if type(left) is List else right
        myInt = left if type(left) in [Int, BitVec] else right
        # TODO: Add symbolic here    
        if not myInt.isStatic():
            err = "_handleList: Don't know how to handle symbolic list multiplication"
            raise Exception(err)

        # Resolve the value
        myIntVal = myInt.getValue()
        # Populate the new variable
        s.variables = oldList.variables * myIntVal

        err = "_handleList: Don't know how to handle op type {0}".format(type(op))
        raise Exception(err)

    return [s.copy()]

[docs]def handle(state,element,ctx=None): """Attempt to handle the Python BinOp element Parameters ---------- state : pyState.State pyState.State object to handle this element under element : ast.BinOp element from source to be handled ctx : int, optional context to resolve BinOp in if not current Returns ------- list list contains pyObjectManager variables (Int/Real/etc) This function handles calls to BinOp. It is not meant to be called manually via a user. Example ------- Example of ast.BinOp is: x + 1 """ ctx = state.ctx if ctx is None else ctx assert type(state) == pyState.State assert type(element) == ast.BinOp logger.debug("handle: Resolving left {0}".format(element.left)) # Try resolving the parts left = state.resolveObject(element.left,parent=element,ctx=ctx) # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [x for x in left if type(x) is pyState.ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: logger.debug("handle: Returning retObjs {0}".format(retObjs)) return retObjs # Save a copy so that we don't lose it left = [x.copy() for x in left] #logger.debug("BinOp: BinOp Left = {0}".format(type(left))) right = {} # Enumate all possible states for s in set([x.state for x in left]): logger.debug("handle: Resolving right {0}".format(element.right)) right[s] = [x for x in s.resolveObject(element.right,parent=element,ctx=ctx)] # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [y for x in right.values() for y in x if type(y) is pyState.ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: logger.debug("handle: Returning retObjs {0}".format(retObjs)) return retObjs #logger.debug("BinOp: BinOp Right = {0}".format(type(right))) op = element.op ret = [] # Loop through all possible combinations for l in left: # Don't want to duplicate states. Thus the dictionary for r in right[l.state]: if type(l) is List or type(r) is List: ret += _handleList(r.state,l,r,op) elif type(l) is String or type(r) is String: ret += _handleStr(r.state,l,r,op) # TODO: Assuming like types here... Maybe check both left and right? elif type(l) in [Int, Real, BitVec]: ret += _handleNum(r.state,l,r,op) else: err = "BinOP: Don't know how to handle variable type {0}".format(type(l)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) # Return our possibilities return ret