Source code for pySym.pyState.AugAssign

import logging
import z3
import ast
from . import hasRealComponent, ReturnObject, z3Helpers
from . import z3Helpers
from ..pyObjectManager.Int import Int
from ..pyObjectManager.Real import Real
from ..pyObjectManager.BitVec import BitVec
from ..pyObjectManager.String import String
from ..pyObjectManager.List import List

logger = logging.getLogger("pyState:AugAssign")

def _handleNum(element,oldTarget):
    Handle the case where we're AugAssigning numbers

    state = oldTarget.state

    # Value is what to set them to
    value = state.resolveObject(element.value)
    # Normalize the input
    values = [value] if type(value) is not list else value
    # Check for return object. Return all applicable
    retObjs = [x.state for x in values if type(x) is ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    # The operations to do (Add/Mul/etc)
    op = element.op    

    ret = []

    # Loop through resolved objects
    for value in values:
        state = value.state.copy()

        # Pop the instruction off

        parent = state.objectManager.getParent(oldTarget)
        index = parent.index(oldTarget)
        # Basic sanity checks complete. For augment assigns we will always need to update the vars.
        # Grab the old var and create a new now
        #oldTargetVar = oldTarget.getZ3Object()

        # Match up the right hand side
        oldTargetVar, valueVar = z3Helpers.z3_matchLeftAndRight(oldTarget,value,op)
        if hasRealComponent(valueVar) or hasRealComponent(oldTargetVar):
            parent[index] = Real(oldTarget.varName,ctx=state.ctx,state=state)
            #newTargetVar = parent[index].getZ3Object(increment=True)

        elif type(valueVar) in [z3.BitVecRef,z3.BitVecNumRef]:
            parent[index] = BitVec(oldTarget.varName,ctx=state.ctx,size=valueVar.size(),state=state)
            #newTargetVar = parent[index].getZ3Object(increment=True)
            parent[index] = Int(oldTarget.varName,ctx=state.ctx,state=state)
            #newTargetVar = parent[index].getZ3Object(increment=True)

        newTargetObj = parent[index]
        newTargetVar = newTargetObj.getZ3Object()

        # Figure out what the op is and add constraint
        if type(op) == ast.Add:
            if type(newTargetVar) in [z3.BitVecRef, z3.BitVecNumRef]:
                # Check for over and underflows

            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() + value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar + valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.Sub:
            if type(newTargetVar) in [z3.BitVecRef, z3.BitVecNumRef]:
                # Check for over and underflows

            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() - value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar - valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.Mult:
            if type(newTargetVar) in [z3.BitVecRef, z3.BitVecNumRef]:
                # Check for over and underflows

            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() * value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar * valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.Div:
            if type(newTargetVar) in [z3.BitVecRef, z3.BitVecNumRef]:
                # Check for over and underflows

            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() / value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar / valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.Mod:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() % value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar % valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.BitXor:
            logger.debug("{0} = {1} ^ {2}".format(newTargetVar,oldTargetVar,valueVar))
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() ^ value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar ^ valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.BitOr:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() | value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar | valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.BitAnd:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() & value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar & valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.LShift:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() << value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar << valueVar)
        elif type(op) == ast.RShift:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() >> value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar >> valueVar)

        # TODO: This will fail with BitVec objects...
        elif type(op) == ast.Pow:
            # Keep clutter out of z3
            if oldTarget.isStatic() and value.isStatic():
                newTargetObj.setTo(oldTarget.getValue() ** value.getValue())
                state.addConstraint(newTargetVar == oldTargetVar ** valueVar)

            err = "Don't know how to handle op type {0} at line {1} col {2}".format(type(op),op.lineno,op.col_offset)
            raise Exception(err)


    # Return the state
    return ret

def _handleString(element,oldTarget):
    Handle the case where we're AugAssigning Strings
    state = oldTarget.state

    # Value is what to set them to
    value = state.resolveObject(element.value)
    # Normalize the input
    values = [value] if type(value) is not list else value
    # Check for return object. Return all applicable
    retObjs = [x.state for x in values if type(x) is ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    # The operations to do (Add/Mul/etc)
    op = element.op    
    ret = []

    # Loop through possible old targets
    for value in values:

        state = value.state.copy()

        parent = state.objectManager.getParent(oldTarget)
        index = parent.index(oldTarget)

        # Create a new string
        newString = state.getVar("AugAssignTempString",ctx=1,varType=String)
        # Handle Add
        if type(op) == ast.Add:
            assert type(value) is String, "Unexpected AugAssign Add for String of {}".format(type(value))

            # Set the new string
            newString.variables = oldTarget.variables + value.variables

            # Assign the new string
            parent[index] = newString.copy()


        # Handle Multiplication
        elif type(op) == ast.Mult:
            assert type(value) is Int, "Unhandled value type for String AugAssign Mult of {}".format(type(value))
            assert value.isStatic(), "Symbolic value for String AugAssign Mult is not supported right now."

            value = value.getValue()
            newString.variables = oldTarget.variables * value

            # Assign the new string
            parent[index] = newString.copy()


            error = "Unhandled String AugAssign operation of {}".format(type(op))
            raise Exception(error)

    # Return the state
    return ret

def _handleList(element,oldTarget):
    Handle the case where we're AugAssigning Lists
    state = oldTarget.state

    # Value is what to set them to
    value = state.resolveObject(element.value)
    # Normalize the input
    values = [value] if type(value) is not list else value
    # Check for return object. Return all applicable
    retObjs = [x.state for x in values if type(x) is ReturnObject]
    if len(retObjs) > 0:
        return retObjs

    # The operations to do (Add/Mul/etc)
    op = element.op    
    ret = []

    # Loop through possible old targets
    for value in values:

        state = value.state.copy()

        parent = state.objectManager.getParent(oldTarget)
        index = parent.index(oldTarget)

        # Create a new list
        newList = state.getVar("AugAssignTempList",ctx=1,varType=List)

        # Handle Add
        if type(op) == ast.Add:
            assert type(value) is List, "Unexpected AugAssign Add value of type {}".format(type(value))

            # Set the new list
            newList.setTo(oldTarget + value, clear=True)

            # Assign the new string
            parent[index] = newList.copy()


        # Handle Multiplication
        elif type(op) == ast.Mult:
            assert type(value) is Int, "Unexpected AugAssign Mult value of type {}".format(type(value))
            assert value.isStatic(), "AugAssign List of symbolic multiplication not supported yet."
            value = value.getValue()

            # Set the new list
            # TODO: Should update List proper to do mult as well
            newList.variables = oldTarget.variables * value

            # Assign the new string
            parent[index] = newList.copy()


            error = "Unhandled List AugAssign operation of {}".format(type(op))
            raise Exception(error)

    # Return the state
    return ret

[docs]def handle(state,element): """Attempt to handle the Python AugAssign element Parameters ---------- state : pyState.State pyState.State object to handle this element under element : ast.AugAssign element from source to be handled Returns ------- list list contains state objects either generated or discovered through handling this ast. This function handles calls to AugAssign. It is not meant to be called manually via a user. Example ------- Example of ast.Assign is: x += 1 """ # Find the parent object oldTargets = state.resolveObject( # Normalize oldTargets = [oldTargets] if type(oldTargets) is not list else oldTargets # Resolve calls if we need to retObjs = [x for x in oldTargets if type(x) is ReturnObject] if len(retObjs) > 0: return retObjs ret = [] # Loop through possible values, creating states as we go for oldTarget in oldTargets: if type(oldTarget) in [Int, BitVec, Real]: ret += _handleNum(element,oldTarget) elif type(oldTarget) is String: ret += _handleString(element,oldTarget) elif type(oldTarget) is List: ret += _handleList(element,oldTarget) else: err = "handle: Don't know how to handle type {0}".format(type(oldTarget)) logger.error(err) raise Exception(err) return ret